Activities & Deliverables

Desk studies & Literature reviews
In-depth desk studies focus on relevant policies, strategies, reports, legislation and official documents to identify key factors influencing operations of local waste management actors and their ability (enablers and obstacles) and possibilities to engage in cross-border cooperation in the Barents Region
Semi-structured interviews
Semi-structured interviews will be carried out with regional waste management companies, business partners and local society focus groups

Stakeholder workshops with representatives of non-research project partners, local, regional and national authorities, and relevant NGOs will be organized
Deliverables and results
Smart specialisation and waste management in the Arctic – Working Paper released by the ReCoWaMa project
The Working Paper introduces and analyses innovation and renewal of municipal waste management in North Norway. We explore how the concept of smart specialisation (S3) could be utilized to enhance R&D and innovation in municipal waste management. The paper reports that smart specialisation could be utilized as an additional tool and concept for innovation promotion and R&D collaboration in the Arctic waste management sector.
(please click on file to open)